Spring is Coming!!

So yesterday the weather was absolutely AMAZING and a couple of Cara's friends were over, so I went out and sat with them in the backyard. I took Dad's camera with me because I have been testing it out, as I might get one just like it when (if?) I ever have enough money. Here are some of the pictures I took of Cara, her friends, and the yard...


Lucky 18

So, I turned 18 on Wednesday. Thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday... it definitely was one! On Wednesday several of my friends surprised me with random gifts, including a birthday "crown" that made me look like a mix between the Statue of Liberty and a sunflower (not that I'm complaining, it was fun!).

That night my dad, Cara, and I went to the ASO rehearsal to watch Mom sing, and that was fantastic, because that chorus rocks!!

Friday night was my fun birthday date with the boyfriend. Saturday night was my party, and that was also a lot of fun... first party I've had since 8th grade! So, yeah, all in all, it was a great 18th birthday, and thank you to yall for making it that way!


Super Mario Bros Hit the World Wide Web!

Yes, that's right folks. That is the Super Mario Brothers themselves, right there on my desktop! Ah, the wonders of the internet.


A Service Called "Internet"

Tonight Leah informed that my web browser is hopelessly outdated, and it would be in my best interest to upgrade. Not her exact words, but that's the basic gist of it. So I did, and it's so beautiful and convenient and cool that I was inspired to start this blog, because she also has one of those and it is also beatiful and cool, so it just seemed like the right thing to do.

All State '07 was this weekend... it was wonderful! I went with Dad, and we stayed in the same hotel we've been staying in there since I was in fifth grade. We ate lunch (and dinner!) Thursday at Loco's, a favorite restaurant downtown. Friday morning, we ate breakfast in another traditional spot, Clary's. Same waitresses as ever. Friday night we ate, as tradition mandates, at Carey Hilliard's with the rest of the Lassiter kids. We ate questionable food and hung out with the middle schoolers and colored pictures and presented those pictures to Mr. Watkins at the end of the meal, just like years past. We spent Saturday hanging around downtown Savannah and going to all the same spots and stores, and it just never gets old! I like Tradition.