Happy December!

Yesterday Leah sent me a link to one of the Christmas season's best hidden treasures: ElfYourself.com! The comic potential is basically infinite. Once you start elfing people, it's hard to stop, so I've got a good collection started... Go try it! I'm adding 2 examples...

Leah did this one of me, her, and Cara. Those are really mine and Leah's dancing faces, too!

Here we have a classic, featuring Leah, Chris Buckley, Bryce, and my mom!

Happy Elfing!


Saving The World One Word At A Time

This is my new favorite website... it's kind of addicting, very educational, AND it helps feed starving people! What more could you ask for?! I highly recommend it.


I'm Still Alive!

Yes, contrary to popular belief, I did not drop off the face of the planet. I simply moved to Mississippi! We don't get Internet in Mississippi, so I couldn't write in this blog. No, I'm just kidding... Internet is just one of the many wonderful things that come along with Mississippi State University! I love it here, and you should all come visit me so you can share in the gloriousness. I am especially loving it today, because today, after nearly 2 months of having a computer that corrupts files, won't run certain programs, and occasionally can't find the internal hard disk drive (nothing major!), I got these problems fixed! That just makes the whole world seem better to me. Granted, it took a cumulative 3 hours on the phone with Dell and 2 internet chats on dell.com to eradicate the problem, but the point is that my computer once again works just the way God intended it to! Hallelujah!

Alright, this post was just to let you know that 1) I'm not dead and 2) neither is my computer. I'll try to be more diligent in the future, but right now I have a Chemistry exam to study for. Have a Thrilling Thursday!

P.S. Here's a picture, in the likely even that you have forgotten what I look like.


West Virginia!

Yes, that's right folks! That is the first post in the West Virginia 2007 blog. Go read it! I'll be updating it throughout next week when we are in WV. Have fun!


Mordecai Ali Van Allen O'Shea, Today is Your Day!

Well, that's it. I'm graduated. I'm completely done with high school for the rest of me life! Weird. I don't even have any summer assignments to do... That hasn't happened in... 10 years! Oh my goodness. What will I do all summer? Well, I could work, but unfortunately it would appear that I am unhirable. I've applied to several places, but nobody wants me. Can I help it that I have zero previous work experience? No. Give the little guys (and gals!) a chance!

Anyway, this has been a fruitful weekend, including (but not limited to) seeing the 3rd Pirates of the Caribbean movie (twice!), graduating high school, buying a new camera, wishing I had a cell phone (darn you, Sprint!), throwing a sizable graduation party with my 3 best friends, socializing at my parent's Memorial Day party, cleaning the junk out of My Pictures, and hoping that tomorrow will be a good day for a cell phone. I also learned that 1 person in 2 billion will live to be 116 years old... hmm. Who knew.


There is fun to be done!

Well, if you have been to Leah's page recently, you will see that she did some interview thing with a fellow scrapbooker. So i said "give me question!" and she did, so here they are!

  1. What are you most looking forward to about college?
    Probably meeting all these new people and making some fantastic new friends... But having a dorm room and making it super cute comes in a close second, lol!

  2. What are you most worried about?
    Umm... Getting stuck with a creepy mean roommate.... I guess if that's what I'm worried most about, though, then I'm doing pretty well!

  3. you can create the ultimate hybrid animal. mix anything with anything. what's your animal called and what is it a mix of?
    It's a Falcongaroo... Obviously, it's a falcon and a kangaroo mixed together. This way, it can fly, hop, swoop, and deliver lightning-fast deadly punches all together.

  4. dream job. go.
    Designing cars or rollercoasters! And then building the cars. But not the rollercoasters, somebody else can do that.

  5. you can pick one super power and it can be anything. doesn't have to be realistic or come from the comics or anything like that. what is it?
    Oh my gosh, you have no idea how much thought I put into this in Health class this semester. It's darn hard to come up with. Can I combine? Yes? OK, thanks. I would have to combine invisibility with Spiderman's amazing web slinging and swinging skills. Yes, I know I sound kind of nerdy.
Well that was fun! Good questions. Very thought-provoking.


Jones Soda

Hi family! Have you ever heard of Jones Soda? Well, if you haven't, it's fantastic (Cara got me hooked on it, she can have pretty good taste sometimes! haha.) and kind of unique in that they make their bottle labels from consumers' photographs. You can go to their website and submit any of your photos that you think would look good on their labels, and people vote on them, and every few months they choose a bunch of photographs to go on the bottles. So I thought, "hey, that sounds fun!" and I submitted several of my photos. Below are itty bitty thumbnails of them, and each thumbnail is linked to the page where you can vote on that photo! You might notice that Leah and Cara both made an entrance, and Bryce got 2... I need more pictures of Ian. Thanks, have fun, and you can vote for as many as you like!

In other news, Prom was a few weeks ago and that was super fun. Since it was at the Aquarium, I even got to dance with Belugas! That was the highlight of the evening, haha. There are a lot of pictures, so I just stuck the pictures on a web album, which you can look through if you have time. Dane was a great date, and my parents prepared an amazing dinner for us (we ate at my house to save money, since the prom itself cost a ridiculous amount), complete with white paper tablecloth and crayons with which to color on it!! Yes!! Haha just because you are going to your Senior Prom doesn't mean you need to act like a senior.

On Monday, Mom and I are heading off to Mississippi State all day for Honors Orientation... I'm really excited! Of course I'll let y'all know if anything super exciting or noteworthy happens there... In the meantime, have a fantastic week, and don't forget to vote!


Spring is Coming!!

So yesterday the weather was absolutely AMAZING and a couple of Cara's friends were over, so I went out and sat with them in the backyard. I took Dad's camera with me because I have been testing it out, as I might get one just like it when (if?) I ever have enough money. Here are some of the pictures I took of Cara, her friends, and the yard...


Lucky 18

So, I turned 18 on Wednesday. Thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday... it definitely was one! On Wednesday several of my friends surprised me with random gifts, including a birthday "crown" that made me look like a mix between the Statue of Liberty and a sunflower (not that I'm complaining, it was fun!).

That night my dad, Cara, and I went to the ASO rehearsal to watch Mom sing, and that was fantastic, because that chorus rocks!!

Friday night was my fun birthday date with the boyfriend. Saturday night was my party, and that was also a lot of fun... first party I've had since 8th grade! So, yeah, all in all, it was a great 18th birthday, and thank you to yall for making it that way!


Super Mario Bros Hit the World Wide Web!

Yes, that's right folks. That is the Super Mario Brothers themselves, right there on my desktop! Ah, the wonders of the internet.


A Service Called "Internet"

Tonight Leah informed that my web browser is hopelessly outdated, and it would be in my best interest to upgrade. Not her exact words, but that's the basic gist of it. So I did, and it's so beautiful and convenient and cool that I was inspired to start this blog, because she also has one of those and it is also beatiful and cool, so it just seemed like the right thing to do.

All State '07 was this weekend... it was wonderful! I went with Dad, and we stayed in the same hotel we've been staying in there since I was in fifth grade. We ate lunch (and dinner!) Thursday at Loco's, a favorite restaurant downtown. Friday morning, we ate breakfast in another traditional spot, Clary's. Same waitresses as ever. Friday night we ate, as tradition mandates, at Carey Hilliard's with the rest of the Lassiter kids. We ate questionable food and hung out with the middle schoolers and colored pictures and presented those pictures to Mr. Watkins at the end of the meal, just like years past. We spent Saturday hanging around downtown Savannah and going to all the same spots and stores, and it just never gets old! I like Tradition.