There is fun to be done!

Well, if you have been to Leah's page recently, you will see that she did some interview thing with a fellow scrapbooker. So i said "give me question!" and she did, so here they are!

  1. What are you most looking forward to about college?
    Probably meeting all these new people and making some fantastic new friends... But having a dorm room and making it super cute comes in a close second, lol!

  2. What are you most worried about?
    Umm... Getting stuck with a creepy mean roommate.... I guess if that's what I'm worried most about, though, then I'm doing pretty well!

  3. you can create the ultimate hybrid animal. mix anything with anything. what's your animal called and what is it a mix of?
    It's a Falcongaroo... Obviously, it's a falcon and a kangaroo mixed together. This way, it can fly, hop, swoop, and deliver lightning-fast deadly punches all together.

  4. dream job. go.
    Designing cars or rollercoasters! And then building the cars. But not the rollercoasters, somebody else can do that.

  5. you can pick one super power and it can be anything. doesn't have to be realistic or come from the comics or anything like that. what is it?
    Oh my gosh, you have no idea how much thought I put into this in Health class this semester. It's darn hard to come up with. Can I combine? Yes? OK, thanks. I would have to combine invisibility with Spiderman's amazing web slinging and swinging skills. Yes, I know I sound kind of nerdy.
Well that was fun! Good questions. Very thought-provoking.