The Christmas Hoe-Down

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Funny stuff. Me, Oliver, and Leah's cat Oscar, barn dancing together. Make sure you get your fix before January 15!


Did you know there is a Dark Doodad Nebula?

It's true. I just saw it online.

It's that dark streak there through the middle of the photo. And you know, looking at that picture, I have to say that "Dark Doodad" is really a pretty accurate name. What else are you going to call it? Black Streaky Thing? Sounds like a longer name for Dark Doodad if you ask me.


How I spent my Saturday

Tada! It took 11 hours, but I made it. This, my friends, is my crankshaft. Built from scratch. are you proud of me? Because I am proud of me! This is the first thing I have ever built from scratch in SolidWorks, and I'll tell you what, it was a doozy (hence the 11 hours). But here it is. And now I am going to bed.


Oh chemistry, how I loathe thee.

Due to long long hours spent studying for the chemistry exam that is finally finally over with, there hasn't been much that is blogworthy going on lately. So I borrowed this from Leah, and voilĂ ! Insta-post! I grabbed the book closest to me, turned to page 56, started with the 5th sentence, and typed a few in.

"Ions with larger mass are deflected less; ions with smaller mass are deflected more. This deflection essentially sorts the ions by mass because most of them have the same +1 charge. The deflected ions pass through to a detector, which measure the ions as a current that is directly proprtional to the number of ions. This allows the determination of the relative abundance of the various ions in the sample."

Unfortunately, as luck would have it, the book nearest me just happens to be a chemistry book.


My greatest accomplishment

This. This is my greatest accomplishment. Well, for today at least. Now, this may look like a simple 200mm long hinge, but I'll have you know that a good 3+ hours of frustration and hard work went into that little pretend piece of metal. And now it is done. And I am proud. The end.


Attention, a tragedy has occurred.

As you may know, the Large Hadron Collider was turned on about a week and a half ago. They were warming it up (and by "warming it up" I actually mean cooling it down to around -460° F) and running a few tests, building up to mid-October when they would actually start shooting those particles at each other at [close to] the speed of light. Exciting stuff! But here's the bad news: A mere 10 days after firing it up, a giant helium leak is forcing them to shut everything back down. AND, since before they can go in and fix it they have to get the temperature back up to, say, I don't know, not absolute zero (and then back down once it's fixed!), it's going to be another couple of months before the masses can really start panicking about blackholes swallowing the world. Blast! Katelan and I were getting so excited about wearing this shirt!


In the event of a velociraptor invasion, I'm doomed.

I could survive for 28 seconds chained to a bunk bed with a velociraptor

Created by Bunk Beds Pedia

Great news, guys! If a velociraptor and I were both chained to a bunk bed with 7 foot chains, I would survive for approximately 28 seconds. Okay, maybe that's not such great news, maybe it actually means that I am a tragically wimpy pansy with zero street skillz. But you know what? I'm not really all that concerned about it. There are 2 things factoring in to my unconcerned attitude: 1) The case happens to be that velociraptors are extinct. 2) The Jones Soda cap from the bottle (Strawberry Lime!) I just opened says:

A long time, see? That translates to "longer than 28 seconds." So I feel fairly confident that I won't be encountering a velociraptor chained to a bunk bed any time soon. What a relief.

In other news, the Large Hadron Collider has not yet destroyed the world. Katelan and I will soon be buying this t-shirt and have big plans to wear it the day after they start shooting those particles at eachother. Go science!


Yes indeed, go dwags. For the more literate and less inebriated portion of the population, a translation reads Go Dawgs! It's game day at Mississippi State and I've got my fingers crossed for another win. The fact that we're playing Auburn does worry me, but hey, we beat them last year! Then again, last year we didn't start out the season losing to Louisiana Tech.

As exciting as game day is, I am not really in the mood for it today. Today I am sniffly and achy and tired and just want to stay in bed watching the rest of Season 1 of Heroes. But duty calls. So at 4:15 I will put on my brand new, never-been-worn-by-anyone marching uniform and trudge over to McCarthy Gym to warm up with the band. Atleast I'll be trudging in style though! As I just mentioned, the new uniforms are making their debut today. Exciting times in Band Land!

The game comes on at 6 pm CST/7 pm EST on ESPN2. Tune in and pray that we don't get slaughtered!

Go Dwags!


3 Awesome Things Discovered In The Last 10 Hours

For some reason, in about 2 hours I will have pulled an all-nighter. I blame it on Firefox's oh-so-rad StumbleUpon add-on, as I can (clearly!) spend hours upon hours hitting that Stumble button, excited to see what new and exciting corner of the web it'll bring me next. But more on that later, when we get to number 3 on my list of Supa Fly Things Very Recently Brought To My Attention. Number 3 is just the icing on the cake that was my Evening Of Discovering Super Things! So, without further ado, topping the charts we have...

  1. ChaCha!
    ChaCha has to be the most brilliant idea in the world. It's simple: They have people (Guides) all over the country logging on whenever they have time, sitting by a computer with their special little ChaCha programs running. Then the rest of the country can think of a question, any question, and text it to ChaCha (242242). One of these Guides will receive the question and send an answer back. The answers can range anywhere from "What times will The Dark Knight [fantastic movie, by the way, in case you hadn't heard the entire rest of the country saying that] be showing at Park 12 Cobb Theater?" to "What's the funniest joke you know?" and beyond. Use your imagination. They get paid 20 cents for every message they send, so no question is too dumb/silly/lame for them.
    For example:
    My darling recently-broken-up friend's question: "Where can I find a decent guy?"
    ChaCha's answer: "Get all dolled up and go to Home Depot! Or go to a dog park. Nice guys are everywhere."
    "What is your favorite state?"
    "Kansas! Because that's where I'm from, and Hawaii because I want to go there."
    "What will you do when you go?"
    "Eat lots of good food and check out the hunnies on the beach!"
    Honestly. Can you think of a better idea than ChaCha?

  2. eBay
    1 hour ago, I realized the highly addictive power of eBay. Also a brilliant idea. It's just something that holds such potential: "Ooooh, I can actually afford that!! ... Hey! That jerk outbid me! Well, I'll show him. Booya! Take that!" Don't worry Mom, I'm not doing anything dumb, I'm just saying that eBay has the power to become highly addictive. Like gambling. But fear not! I won't be gambling away what little money I do have.

  3. This video.

Especially since our first marching show at Mississippi State this year will apparently be a Michael Jackson show, in which I will have to actually dance a portion of the Thriller dance. Yikes! I can only hope that I'll look as kickin as Darth Vader.


Summer is the bomb-diggety.

I love summer. Fantastic weather (rain or shine, either one works for me!), superb vacations, spending time with friends you haven't seen in months, and (for me atleast, as I have no job) just generally being able to spend the day doing whatever the heck I want. It's awesome. Sorry to those of you who have actual jobs and are contributing to the greater good of society. I don't know how you would feel if I told you how much time I spend doing nothing more than laying in the sunshine by the pool, reading. It's a good life! :)

On a side note, it is interesting how some things apparently just don't change... like the ice cream man! When I was a kid swimming at the pool, he would come flying into the parking lot, bells jingling, and all the kids would scream "The Ice Cream Man!" and run to their parents for money. And guess what? That exact same scenario still plays out every single day, 10 years later. Oh, ice cream man. What power you have.


Dog Days of Summer

Meet my dog, doing what he does best: Laying down, enjoying the sunshine, and making funny faces. Oh, Oliver.


Dale Hollow Lake

Dale Hollow Lake, originally uploaded by abbylee123.


6 inches

That's about how much hair I got chopped off today. How thrilling. I haven't had hair this short in quite a while! I actually really liked my hair long, but I was ready for a change, and I'm not really supposed to dye my hair too drastically ever since my mom had to spend $80 at the salon trying to get the black out of my blond hair 3 years ago. Oops.

And in other, even less exciting, news, I went to the doctor this morning and had to get a shot in EACH ARM! Gah. The left arm was an HPV vaccination (that one hurts!), and the right arm got the Meningitis vaccination. Which it turns out I also got a year ago, so now I'm doubly protected! Great to hear!


All the Eggerses have flown the coop!

It's official. My parents no longer have any kids left in high school. Cara has GRADUATED (!!) and come August, she will move downtown to Georgia State University. On May 31, Leah will go back to North Texas, and at the beginning of August, I'll head back to Fabulous Starkvegas. And you know what that means? That means my parents won't have any kids at home. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Weeeeeeird. Right now they can't wait, but they'll miss us when the time comes... atleast a little. I hope.

Congratulations to Cara! And congratulations to my parents for 20 successful years of parenting!


Semi-Starry Night

Semi-Starry Night, originally uploaded by abbylee123.

This is about as much stargazing as you can get done in the lovely suburbs of Atlanta. Kind of sad, but it's better than nothing. I used to want to be an astronomer, which gave way to an aerospace engineer, which morphed into my chosen Mechanical Engineering major, but I still want to work for NASA someday! We'll see...



I love summer! I know it's not technically here yet, but as far as I'm concerned, it's been here for nearly a month. Sunshine! Flowers! Pools! Playgrounds! What else could you possibly want, right? I'll admit, though, I have been a bit lazy. Maybe a little too much computer and not enough non-electronic creativity, but I have the whole summer ahead of me! So I'm getting off my butt. I'm off to do something awesome!

Well, right after I eat dinner.

Catch ya on the flip side!


West Texas

West Texas, originally uploaded by abbylee123.


I am a huntress.

Today I had an ordeal. I started to type the story out, but then I realized, what account of this story could possibly be better than the one being written as the story unfolded?? And so here I present to you, the reader, the moment-by-moment, high drama, gripping-the-edge-of-your-seat, real-life, intense story of March 26's Exciting Thing of the Day. Enjoy. [Editor's note: "Rafael" is my sister. No, it is not her real name, her real name is Leah. Rafael is her superhero sidekick name (She's the sidekick to my alter ego, Hombre, Secret Agent of the Deep.)]

1:07 PM me: ahhh theres a wasp in my room!
im going to die
Rafael: YIKES
me: its on the ceiling
1:08 PM i have nothing to get it with
ahhhh its coming this way
Rafael: they kept flying at me on my bike today and i kept spazzing out
you don't have any raid???
me: i dont know what to do
1:09 PM oh no its on my desk
ok im going in
Rafael: open the window and get out of there
me: wish me luck
Rafael: good luck
me: the windows are open but the screens are on
so i dont even know how it got in
drat it flew back up to the ceiling
1:10 PM Rafael: you probably have a hole in your screens or something
1:11 PM me: i guess so
i dont know what to do
Rafael: i'm telling you
pop off the screens and book it outta there
don't come back
unless you have either a boy or a can of raid
1:12 PM me: oh my screens are loose at the top

6 minutes
1:18 PM me: ok the windows are open
now i just need to herd him over there
Rafael: eesh you're braver than me
1:21 PM me: haha ive got this giant window screen and im trying to "encourage" the wasp to move towards the window
Rafael: aahhhhh
me: but he froze and is just staring at me
and im afraid to get any closer
1:22 PM Rafael: LEAVE THE ROOM
1:25 PM me: SUCCESS!!
1:26 PM me: oh my gosh what an ordeal
so it was on the wall right above the window
and i was hoping it would just fly down a little bit and find freedom
1:27 PM but when it started flying it was heading back towards the middle of the room
so im standing here with this giant window screen
1:28 PM and the wasp is flying right towards me so in a brief moment of clear headedness i stuck the screen out, right at the wasp, hoping it would make him turn around
but instead he landed on the screen
Rafael: ahhhhhhhhhhhh
me: so im standing here holding a screen with a wasp on it
and i go "ahhhh!!!"
and then inch toward the window and stick the end of the screen out
1:29 PM and he flew off and landed on the open window (we have windows that swing open)
and real quick i slid the screen back in place
Rafael: EEESH
me: and now he is still sitting on the window on the other side of the screen
1:30 PM Rafael: alkfja;slkdfjas;ldkfj
i am so scared for you
i would have left my room
and called someone crying
me: haha
Rafael: and not returned til tomorrow
me: but then i might have lost him and i never would know if he left or was hiding in my bed
1:31 PM Rafael: true
i probably never would have returned ever
1:32 PM me: youd have to eventually
hes still sitting there
Rafael: ahhh
1:36 PM me: i took pictures
Rafael: ew ew ew
me: once he was safely outside
1:37 PM i feel like we formed a bond, he and i
1:39 PM Rafael: well that's sweet
wasps are vile creatures
1:41 PM me: agreed

(he just left)
nevermind hes trying to get back in
Rafael: EEEEEK
me: geez take a hint buddy
Rafael: buy some raid and just douse the window
that's what i would do
when i had a cricket problem last summer
i just sprayed raid EVERYWHERE
me: i flicked the screen where he was sitting and he buzzed off
Rafael: i probably poisoned myself
me: hahaha
but the crickets left?
1:42 PM Rafael: yeah
1:43 PM i found dead ones by all the doorways
me: nasty
nasty nasty
1:44 PM Rafael: yes ma'am
1:46 PM ok, finally caught up on my flickr photos
1:47 PM me: yay
1:48 PM Rafael: ok i have to go to class
me: bummer
have fun!
Rafael: ick
good luck with your wasp
:) later gator
Rafael: hahahahahhahahahaha

And there you have it. As you can see, I'm lucky to have made it out alive, and I may not have if it weren't for my cunning resourcefulness and quick-thinking.

Also, Leah's inspiring advice and encouragement helped LOADS!


I have gotten lazy.

I need to find better things to do with my time. Right now I'm lounging on my bed with the TV on, although I'm not really watching it, and I'm gorging myself on the double load of Easter chocolate I got by combining my mom's wonderful Easter package with the Easter bag Zack's mom gave me when I was at his house. What else do I have planned for the day? Nothing. Don't get me wrong, I have a whole list of things I need/want to do in order to feel and be more productive... The chances that I will actually do them are... less than great. But what I'm actually doing right now is using some sort of reverse psychology to trick myself into diving headfirst straight through that list as soon as I'm done typing! I'm no match for myself.

On a completely unrelated note, I was riding my bike to meet my adviser yesterday and I rode past a young gentleman walking around the drill field in a floppy yellow banana costume. Strange? Yes.

I think it's time for me to SPLIT and go do a BUNCH of more productive things.

Those were banana puns. I crack myself up.


Happy Easter!

Well, it seems that I am running just a tad behind on everything right now... first spring, now Easter. But, as they say, better late than never! Easter is really an amazing day. Besides the fact that it is an opportunity to stock up on all kinds of sweets (such as chocolate bunnies, Easter egg Whoppers, and wind up chickens that dispense gum balls out of their rears), it is also a celebration of the miracle that Christianity hinges upon. Jesus Christ, a completely blameless, innocent man, being tortured and murdered for things he didn't even do, and then raising from the dead 3 days later? It doesn't get much bigger than that, folks! But wait, it actually does. Perfect eternal life with the Almighty God in Heaven, a gift we will never begin to be worthy of, a free gift given completely and wholly 100% out of love... now that's huge! For Christians, Easter should be the happiest, most joyful, most celebratory holiday of any of them. Yeah, it's even cooler than April Fool's Day and Halloween... hard to imagine, I know, but it's true!

"Your love has captured me
Your grace has set me free
Your life, the air I breathe
Be glorified in me"

Zack and I, all decked out for Easter. The big secret is that this is actually a reenactment, taken for the sake of my mother, because I missed out on the traditional Sunday Easter dresses picture, due to living in Mississippi. So this afternoon when I got out of class I texted Zack and told him to change back into the clothes he wore yesterday. He did, I did too, and we ran outside (it was cold!), had our friend snap a few pictures, then we all retreated back to the warmth inside. Now see, if I had never told you that, nobody would ever know this picture isn't really Easter!


Spring is springing!

Spring has officially sprung. It actually sprung several days ago, but I'm a little behind the ball on it. And why is that? Because I have been OUT! Enjoying the spring weather, riding on four-wheelers and going to islands and getting sunburned and playing basketball. And what fun it was. I need to get out and play more often! I miss the olden days when we did that every day. Now we have all this silly college stuff to deal with. Oh well! That's life, right? And it could certainly be a lot worse... I love Mississippi, and spring here is lovely! There are still classes to deal with, though... speaking of classes, I should probably go to sleep and get an eensy bit of rest before chemistry in the morning. Happy spring everybody!


Leeeeeet the sun shiiiiine


Meet my friend...

In the spotlight, originally uploaded by abbylee123.

A few months ago, Zack, Katelan, and I all got seamonkeys at Walmart. How often do seamonkeys ever last? Maybe 3 months tops, right? Well, for some reason, mine are thriving. I guess I'm just such a good mother that I do it without even trying! I now have tons of algae (that's a good thing for the seamonkeys), 3 pregnant seamonkey mamas, 2 mating pairs, and several little baby seamonkeys. They're so cool! Did you know that seamonkeys are born with 1 eye, and then as they get bigger they grow 2 more so that by the time they are fully grown, they have 3 eyes? And did you know that they smell with their feet? I wonder what they do when they step in seamonkey poo... ewww! Seamonkeys are just super cool (and strange!) creatures and I have spent several afternoons just watching them swim around. It doesn't sound that exciting, but I promise. It really is.


Your number squared is 687,194,768.

Welcome to my first accomplishment of today's 8 am Computer Programming class.


Total Lunar Eclipse

Does it get much cooler than that?


Mardi Gras 2008!

My first Mardi Gras. One of the perks of dating a wonderful young man who lives on the Mississippi Gulf Coast! There were parades... lots of parades. And beads! Sooo many beads [Disclaimer: I definitely did NOT do anything scandalous to get the beads!!!!]. Moon Pies, beads, fake roses, beads, plastic cups, and more beads: I've got it all now! Sadly, my camera was taking a fix-it vacation and didn't quite make it back in time to document all the super-duper goings-on of the weekend. But fortunately, the whole thing was spontaneously re-enacted a week later at my dorm!


Speak Knightly and Carry a Big Sword!

Every so often, maybe once a month, all of the interesting people come out into the public eye on campus. My favorites would have to be the folks who dress up like medieval knights and sword fight in front of my dorm. How awesome is that? Seriously.


Welcome to 2008!

Happy New Year! It's gonna be a good one.