Attention, a tragedy has occurred.

As you may know, the Large Hadron Collider was turned on about a week and a half ago. They were warming it up (and by "warming it up" I actually mean cooling it down to around -460° F) and running a few tests, building up to mid-October when they would actually start shooting those particles at each other at [close to] the speed of light. Exciting stuff! But here's the bad news: A mere 10 days after firing it up, a giant helium leak is forcing them to shut everything back down. AND, since before they can go in and fix it they have to get the temperature back up to, say, I don't know, not absolute zero (and then back down once it's fixed!), it's going to be another couple of months before the masses can really start panicking about blackholes swallowing the world. Blast! Katelan and I were getting so excited about wearing this shirt!