Where thy victory, O grave?

My poor blogsites. I just can't make up my mind between this one and that one. And they don't even get used all that much anyway. That means they are both neglected and I play favorites. It's a good thing I don't have any kids, the poor things would be so messed up they wouldn't know what to do with themselves. Anyway, loyalty+more traditional features (i.e., comments)+easily customizable layout has brought me back here for the time being. Maybe I'll just use the other one for kicks and giggles type things, because it definitely lends itself to that. And then this once can be for posts with lots of words. Tumblr can be the children's book, Blogger can be the "young adult nonfiction" section. See?

Anyway. It's Easter! One of my very favorite holidays. I like it because it is a great reminder of the way that we could potentially be living. Sometimes I catch myself thinking something along the lines of "Awesome, it's Easter! Christ died for me, and now that it's Easter, He has risen again and sin has absolutely no power of me!" And then I have to kick myself and remember that this all transpired hundreds and hundreds of years ago, and sin has never had any power over me, except that which I allow it! It doesn't have to be that way. My Savior loves, My Savior lives, My Savior's always there for me! This is such exciting stuff. New life, guaranteed in a God who's not going to let me down. I love it! How could you not be joyful when you have a guarantee like that?